How Omantel Used ArabyAds CTV Solutions to Drive Awareness for “Baiti” Internet & Shahid Subscription During Ramadan

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About Omantel

Oman Telecommunications Company is the first telecommunications company in Oman and is the primary provider of internet services in the country.


Omantel aimed to create awareness and attract customers for the “Baiti” premium internet service and promote a free one-month Shahid subscription during Ramadan.

Key Challenges in
Traditional TV Advertising

  • Position Omantel’s Premium Service in a competitive market
  • Target audiences interested in quality internet and entertainment
  • Use a multi-channel approach to convert viewers into “Baiti” and Shahid subscribers

Our Approach

We created a pioneering cross-device campaign using advanced data science and targeting techniques.

  • Devised unique audience targeting by used appographic targeting for a new audience on connected TV.
  • Built strategic profiling & Targeted heavy streamers and content enthusiasts through affinity and consumption-based profiling.
  • Planned peak time engagement by applying day parting to reach viewers during peak Ramadan hours.
  • Cross-Device Retargeting: Engaged users on TV and followed up on household devices like mobiles and desktops.



Cross-Device Reach achieved throughout the campaign


cross-screen interaction


CTV impressions


CTR on retargeted household devices


increase in engagement in Week 3 a compared to Week 1