How Wego & Visit Britain Used ArabyAds’ CTV Advertising & HomeSync+ to Boost Tourism Awareness During Ramadan.

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About Wego

Wego is the number 1 travel app for flight search and booking in the MENA region.

About Visit Britain

VisitBritain (VB) is the national tourism agency, responsible for marketing Britain worldwide and developing Britain's visitor economy.


To drive awareness and engagement for England as a prime travel destination among affluent MENA travelers during Ramadan.

Key Challenges in
Traditional TV Advertising

  • Standing Out During Ramadan with many brands competing for viewers’ attention
  • Targeting Affluent Travelers and luxury seekers required precise audience segmentation
  • Managing Multi-Channel Campaigns to ensure seamless user experience across devices

Our Approach

  • Capitalized on Ramadan family TV time to achieve greater ad reach
  • Targeted affluent expatriates and luxury travelers with tailored offers for a high-net-worth audience
  • Placed ads during peak viewing times and used geo-targeting to reach audiences in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar
  • Engaged users across multiple devices through Home Screen OEM, LG App Store, and programmatic ads


Reached Over


Million Users across the MENA region


High Cross-Device Engagement from OEM ads


High Cross-Device Engagement from CTV apps


High Cross-Device Engagement from mobile retargeting

Maximized Ramadan Co-Viewing to drive high engagement and interest